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3 innovative tools that are changing the way designers create

New design tools are constantly emerging as the design industry grows and evolves. As our real lives become increasingly intertwined with the digital world, many designers must embrace the latest technologies to push the limits of their work. From the latest in 3D design, collaboration platforms, and augmented reality, we’ve rounded some of the top tech advancements influencing designers’ creative processes.

It’s crucial and sometimes challenging, to stay up to date with the latest tools and technologies that influence designers’ work. ​​As new styles and techniques emerge, knowing what’s going on under the surface is more important than ever to stay on top of the game.

Tools and innovations are emerging almost daily, all the while lending their influence to many of the design trends we see lately. It’s time to get inspired to push the boundaries of your designs using the most innovative tools on the market. Work faster, better, and more creatively.

So, let’s take a look at the three innovative tools shaping designers’ workflows this year.

✏️ A big thanks to Acer’s ConceptD for sponsoring this blog post!

1. For 3D Designers & Engineers

In 2021, we are primed to experience the best 3D designs the world has ever seen, thanks to advancements in technology and software capabilities. Designers now have access to tools that allow them to be more creative and more efficient. We’re enjoying trends like combining 3D with photos and two-dimensional objects while adding depth with a touch of reality. As a result, 3D designers are in demand, and demand is quickly growing.

Because 3D is relatively new compared to other fields of design, designers in this industry need to be up to speed with the latest tools and software to succeed. Investing in the most advanced technology will give you a leg up in your field and help you bring your creations to life that much faster and effectively.

With its new ConceptD 7 SpatialLabs Edition laptop, Acer’s new is changing how 3D designers create.

This powerful hardware provides 3D designers, visual artists, and engineers with the tools they need to thrive in the 3D space. From eye-tracking cameras, AI technology and stereoscopic 3D display, to early previews seamlessly, SpatialLabs provides even more flexibility for creators. Streamline your workflow by designing, reviewing, and presenting in stereoscopic 3D.

It is not just the designer who reaps the benefits of this technology; all your 2D content can be viewed in 3D. Whether you’re viewing an old photograph, playing a casual game, or even having a video call, you can experience more immersive and in-depth features in real-time.

2. For Web Designers

Collaboration is at the top of everyone’s list when it comes to web design. Designers and engineers are often regarded as different disciplines. However, in modern web development, they’re required to work closely together to get the job done.

In today’s virtually-heavy design world, collaboration tools have become essential to the success of most projects. New collaboration-based tools can help distributed, and remote teams work more efficiently and effectively on web projects for web designers. They can even help freelance web designers collaborate with their clients more successfully.

Editor X is a new tool making waves in the world of web design and development.

As the first fully collaborative website creation platform for designers and agencies, Editor X helps creative professionals to streamline the design process using real-time collaboration.

Fragmented design is a thing of the past. Team members can collaborate on the same page, section, or element with Editor X; you can even see what the other person is working on. Notes can be left directly on the canvas by designers to communicate with other team members. You don’t have to worry about continuity either; bigger teams can create their custom design libraries to use and share.

Finally, we have reached a place where web creation is fully collaborative, real-time, and beyond.

3. For Augmented Reality Creators

Using technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) offers new and exciting opportunities for designers and creatives.

Although early AR applications used smartphones or tablets, they will soon migrate to wearable devices like smart glasses, requiring a different type of UX and design. The ability to recognize images and objects through augmented reality opens up an entirely new world of design opportunities, and we’re excited about it.

Take a look at Apple’s Animoji and Pokemon GO as early movers and shakers in AR, and then consider workable applications like visualizing art on your walls at home or in a gallery.

But not every AR project needs to become a global phenomenon like Pokemon GO. The billion-dollar grossing app represents just a tiny portion of the potential applications of AR for designers worldwide. We’re even starting to see tools that make AR more accessible and beginner-friendly.

Spark AR is one of these tools.

Spark AR lets creators share augmented reality experiences for the billions of people who use the apps and devices made by Facebook. Its easy-to-use templates and asset libraries enable anyone to create their AR effects for use on mobile and social media.

Think about what this could mean for your clients; custom AR filters and effects for their brands could go a long way as a type of interactive marketing. Acer’s SpatialLabs technology lets you preview your Spark AR creations in 3D to deliver an unparalleled immersive experience.

Start pushing the boundaries of your work

The world of technology for graphic design is growing; staying ahead means committing to moving forward. No matter where you are in your graphic design career, it is vital to keep learning every day.

It is evident from the innovations mentioned above that today’s designers are determined to reimagine the way things are done. We can choose to learn and grow with the modern world of design or be left behind.

Acer’s ConceptD line ensures creative professionals like you have the tools they need to succeed. Take a look at ConceptD’s line of innovative tools for designers. Explore Acer’s ConceptD today and invest in your design career.

What will you create?

🎨 Illustration by Irina Molchanova from Ouch!

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