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Behind the Design with Kendrick Kidd

Earlier this year, we launched our New Dribbble Shop and we’re so excited to highlight some of the amazing designers behind the products for sale. This week, get to know Kendrick Kidd as he talks about his journey on Dribbble and the inspiration behind his awesome Making Time t-shirt design available in the Dribbble Shop.

Tell us about yourself and how you got started on Dribbble

Oh hey, I’m Kendrick! I’m a freelance designer and illustrator in the wee hours of the morning and a Creative Director at Shepherd advertising agency during the day. Around 2010, my buddy Varick Rosete sent me a Dribbble Invite and encouraged me to lob up a few Shots. I had no idea it would turn into one of the most pivotal points in my career. Thanks, Varick!

  1. Branding III beer branding packaging sycamore brewing
  2. Illustration II illustraion lantern outdoors
  3. Illustration color exploration illustration wine

Tell us about the inspiration behind your Making Time Dribbble t-shirt design.

I’m so stoked and thankful to have been asked to create a shirt for Dribbble. When I started thinking about the project, I was determined to try and come up with something that would meaningfully represent the community. Honestly, it was a lot harder to nail down than I thought.

Our common denominator is that we all make time to share our work, our comments, and our passions in the same place.

I feel like Dribbble means a lot of different things to different people and it’s almost impossible to convey that in a single image. That said, I think our common denominator is that we all make time to share our work, our comments, and our passions in the same place. No one (with maybe the exception of Dribbble employees) are being paid or told to participate, and despite all of our life commitments, families, hobbies, etc, we make it a priority.

How has the Dribbble community helped you grow as a designer?

One of my favorite things to do as a designer is to explore. Trying new styles, techniques, and approaches have always been something I’ve enjoyed. The Dribbble community pours in a ton of diverse work and perspectives daily from around the globe. Every visit leaves me feeling inspired to step out of my comfort zone, think about things differently, and try something new. It’s like a big ol’ petri dish of design—constantly moving, growing, and morphing into new things.

Tell us something about yourself we may not already know.

Hangry is my kryptonite. Too much coffee and not enough pizza turns me into a decision-making nightmare.

Dribbble apparel dribbble making time shop


by Kendrick Kidd

Super excited to share a design I recently finished up for the new and improved @dribbble shop! Stoked to make a small contribution along with some of my favorite design folks. Feel free to scoop one up here if ya likes. :)

View on Dribbble

What hashtag should folks use to share photos them rocking the t-shirt?


Snag Kendrick’s t-shirt in the Dribbble Shop and keep up with him on Dribbble and Instagram.

Find more Community stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact [email protected].
