
Who are you?

I’m a freelance illustrator living in Brooklyn that specializes in vectors. I also do some graphic design and some teaching.

What are you working on?

Projects currently being juggled include an indie film poster, a series of app icons, and depictions of a legendary rave. I’m also trying to finish up a short comic, and I’m always behind in updating my illustrated film blog and my illustrated history blog.

Choose a favorite shot of yours. Why is it a favorite?

99% Invisible crime detective fanart illustration lock podcast safety security vector

99% Invisible

by Michele Rosenthal

Illustrations inspired by episodes of the very addictive podcast 99% Invisible. (Full drawings here)

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This was a self promotional series inspired by the podcast 99% Invisible. It’s one of my favorites mostly because it came at the end of a long slump, when I really needed to figure out what makes my work good, and what would make it better. So this piece represents a renewed focus on color, shape, and composition, and a big step forward in my style. Though you probably can’t tell all that by looking at it.

Tell us about your setup. What tools did you use to create the shot (e.g. hardware, software, pens, paper, blowtorch)?

My process is very straightforward. I sketch everything in pencil, scan it, then trace it with the pen tool in Illustrator. And that’s pretty much it. I like working with limitations, and I love vectors, so I enjoy the challenge of seeing what I can make with just those tools. I have a dedicated work desk in the corner of my living room, but I’m much more likely to be working from the couch, MacBook on my lap, watching Star Trek.

Choose a favorite shot from another Player. Why do you dig it?

It’s not a style that corresponds to my own, but Tuesday Bassen is one of many illustrators who make me swoon, especially when she draws girls.

Find Michele on Dribbble, on Twitter, and at

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