
Timeouts are lightning-quick interviews. Five questions to help you get to know the players holding court at Dribbble. Many thanks to Richard for being today’s interviewee.

Who are you? Let us know where you hail from and what you do.

Skinny ShipsHello hello, Richard Perez here. I’m an illustrator and designer currently residing in San Francisco, CA, but originally from the Los Angeles area. The burritos are better here but the tacos are more delicious in LA. How is that possible?! After a few years at the awesome Office I recently decided to go out on my own, under my Skinny Ships moniker and hopefully make some pretty sweet stuff for your eyeballs to take in.

What are you working on?

Let’s see what was on the plate this week: Doing some branding identity work, a couple of spot illustrations for an upcoming issue of Popular Mechanics, a tee shirt graphic, plus starting on a series of art prints and tee’s that should be out early summer.

Choose a favorite shot of yours. Why is it a favorite?

I think this little doodle portrait of my girlfriend of 5 years, Jen and I. We both work out of our home office so she is (and our cats Buffins and Tibbles) constantly the subject of many of my little doodles. I love the sorta chibi style I drew us in (my head isn’t really that big) and the funky color palette.

Tell us about your setup. What tools did you use to create the shot(s)? (e.g. hardware, software, pens, paper, blowtorch, etc.)

I recently simplified my work set up after a few years of having a ridiculously cluttered desktop filled with books, notes and other junk. Now it’s just my 21.5” iMac, a few 7×10” notebooks, an assortment of pens and an old Godzilla figure. Occasionally the desk is also occupied by one of my furry assistants, they’re great at disrupting the creative process with their adorableness.

As far as workflow goes: lots of sketching and scanning of doodles, plenty of time vectorizing things in Illustrator and occasionally some extra touches in Photoshop. And coffee throughout that process.

Choose a favorite shot from another Player. Why do you dig it?

So many cool peeps doing rad stuff, this is tough. This icon set by Eric R. Mortensen is probably my favorite, mainly though for two reasons: A) It’s for NASA! how awesome is that! B) The balance of forms / color inside those hexagons. Man I love hexagons, probably my favorite polygon.

NASA Carbon Monitoring System badges badges icons nasa

NASA Carbon Monitoring System badges

by Eric R. Mortensen

Suite of badges for the pilot programs associated with NASA's Carbon Monitoring System. Clockwise from the top left: Integrated Emission/Uptake (Flux) Pilot, Terrestrial Biomass Pilot, Satellite Observations, CMS Pilot Applications/Scoping Study.

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