Timeouts are lightning-quick interviews. Five questions to help you get to know the players holding court at Dribbble. Many thanks to James for being today’s interviewee.
Who are you? Let us know where you hail from and what you do.
Hello, I am James McDonald. I am a 21 year old UI Designer dabbling in UX, based in Glasgow, Scotland.
What are you working on?
Right now, I am grateful to be working on a project called Want Me Get Me. It’s a website were a user would go to find great boutique hotels, in different cities across the globe. The main feature of the website is allowing you to filter out Destinations, Dates & Amenities which will help you find the perfect place to stay!
Choose a favorite shot of yours. Why is it a favorite?
I think if I was to single one out, it’d definitely have to be one of my proudest shots and thats this:
Fair enough its not the most glamourous shot, but it means a lot to me. I got lucky and had the opportunity to go work with a startup in San Francisco this year called fav.tv. This shot is all about the new homepage we relaunched, introducing folks to the new redesign of the web app, iPhone app and Android app.
Tell us about your setup. What tools did you use to create the shot(s)? (e.g. hardware, software, pens, paper, blowtorch, etc.)
I like to call my setup my baby. I put a lot of work and effort into buying the best software/hardware to help me along the way and create beautiful things. I’ve attached a photo of my current setup. Right now, i’m using a 27” iMac to create all those pixels you see on Dribbble. For iOS work, I have an iPhone 4S and iPad 2. As for software, i’m currently using Adobe Photoshop CS4, Illustrator CS4 and if I need to code anything very simply, i’ll use Espresso.
Choose a favorite shot from another Player. Why do you dig it?
Hmm, this is a hard one. I’d have to say Rogie King is definitely one of my favourite designers and has been for quite some time now. His bold, risky decisions when it comes to button design are phenomenal, always knowing how to pull it off. When I first saw this shot of Rogie’s, my jaw hit the floor. Bold, clean and eye-catching!
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