Senior Product Designer. Designing and helping to create a delightful product and design system for NewRetirement.

São Paulo, Brazil

Member since May 2016

Mobile Design

UI / Visual Design 1–2 years

Product Design 1–2 years

Product Designer & DesignOps at Jusbrasil 2021–Present

Product Designer & DesignOps at Meiuca 2020–2021

Product Designer at Sanar 2020–2020

Product Designer at BossaBox 2020–2020

Product Designer at Cubos 2019–Present

Graphic Designer at Mr. White Art & Design 2018–2019

Illustrator at SENAI 2016–2018

Post Graduation, Istituto Europeo di Design 2021

Bachelor, UNIFACS 2019

Extension Course, Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo 2019

Freelance or contract opportunities

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