I am a seasoned UI/UX Designer with over a decade of experience working experience in both related and unrelated fields. I have a strong
passion for creating human-centered web and mobile experiences, emphasizing simplicity, motion, and interaction design. Throughout my
career, I've led teams of 5 to 10 individuals, fostering collaboration and innovation in every project. My approach to problem-solving is
methodical, always focused on the user, and I've successfully translated concepts into pixel-perfect, intuitive designs that align with company
objectives and user requirements. I'm driven by a desire to explore innovative ideas and contribute to the company's profitability, and I thrive in
both individual and collaborative settings, consistently delivering with enthusiasm and efficiency

United Kingdom

Member since Dec 2018

Brand / Graphic Design 3–5 years

UI / Visual Design 6–8 years

Product Design 3–5 years

Freelancer at Alpha devops 2019–2019

Software update implementation at MTN 2015–2016

Graphics Designer at Atoms 2013–2013

HND, yaba college of technology 2015

ADSE, Aptech 2018

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

3 followers 2 following 409 tags

Available for new projects

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