As an AI animator, I bring a fusion of artistic passion and technical prowess. Proficient in Blender and Maya, I craft visually stunning animations, pushing the boundaries with cutting-edge AI technologies. My journey is marked by a commitment to innovation, leveraging generative adversarial networks and recurrent neural networks to infuse spontaneity and life into scripted sequences. Collaboration is central to my approach, working seamlessly with diverse talents to elevate visual storytelling. Beyond technical skills, I possess a holistic understanding of the production pipeline, ensuring a harmonious creative process. My portfolio reflects versatility, from dynamic character animations to ethereal landscapes. I see AI as a catalyst, unlocking new dimensions of expression and challenging traditional norms. A perpetual learner, I stay at the forefront of AI evolution, exploring deep learning and interactive storytelling. And I'm Ready to contribute my passion You.
Email - [email protected]

United Kingdom

Member since Nov 2023

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