✨Welcome! My name is Amabille, but you can call me Mabell. I'm a Brazilian illustrator looking to show and sell my art after many years doing it just as a hobby. I'm in love about drawing women, Renaissance arts and armor. I do colorful art, usually with complementary colors to make it stand out (between you and me, I think it adds an extra charm)
COMMISSION IS OPEN! If you want a art by me, just get in touch on Twitter: http_satierf or by email: [email protected]

✨Prazer me chamo Amabille, mas pode me chamar de Mabell. Sou uma ilustradora brasileira buscando expor e vender minhas artes depois de muitos anos fazendo apenas por hobbie, sou apaixonada por desenhar mulheres, artes renascentistas e armaduras. Costumo fazer artes coloridas geralmente com cores complementares para dar destaque (cá entre nós, eu acho que dá um charme a mais)
COMMISSION IS OPEN! se quiser uma arte só entrar em contato pelo twitter: http_satierf ou pelo email: [email protected]

São Paulo, Brazil

Member since Oct 2023


Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

55 followers 63 following 63 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch Amabille Freitas