A graphic designer cum artist who is currently working in the publishing industry for the past 10+ years but in this creative field since 2005 I lived, learned, and earned from this field only. From basic manual artist to dynamic graphic designer it takes years of practice and patience to know the depth of this profession along with challenges like creative blocks, rejections of ideas, etc., or new technology and software which somehow collateral the meaning of Graphic designer with a Web designer. So do I from cover and layout designing of books to creating static landing pages for a website I designed all in this tenure and recently develop static layouts for a website for better understanding of a web and software developer. Whereas I am always a part of a creative team or leading a team that works for the core development of a product but I am open to learning and exploring the creative marketing field since today it’s all about how you market your product and sell your idea to the customer.

New Delhi, India

Member since Sep 2020

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