5280 Magazine Adventure Issue BackStory Illustration

January 03, 2018

Jumping to the last part of the project for the 5280 Magazine Adventure Issue - I was asked to come up with a way to show Six different stories of Super Humans who had accomplished rare feats either on or around a mountain on one-half pa...

5280 Magazine Adventure Issue Pike's Peak Icon

December 29, 2017

This was a fun one to make in the series as I got to learn a little bit about history in the process. Pikes's peak is named after Zebulon Pike who didn't actually make it to the top of the mountain on his expedition, rather he assessed t...

5280 Magazine Adventure Issue Paraglider Icon

December 21, 2017

Next in the series of small stamp icons for 5280 Magazine Adventure Issue was the Paraglider Pete Thompson "Wingin' It" article, and while there is no way I would ever attempt something like this even over water, I did get to imagine it ...

5280 Magazine Adventure Issue Uncharted Icon

December 20, 2017

Second stamp icon in the 5280 Magazine Adventure Issue series is the Uncharted Colorado piece. This was the last one I did and at the time felt the most out of place just because of the map shape but ended up being on of my favs and prob...

5280 Magazine Adventure Issue Stamp Icons

December 19, 2017

I once again had the pleasure of working with Dave and the awesome folks over at 5280 Magazine on a series of small stamp icons to accompany six of the main articles in the December Adventure issue. As always it was a blast to execute t...

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Tron Burgundy