Windfall Vapor Fruit - Lemon

May 26, 2016

Some fruits make it to market... some fruits don't. Still really happy with the lettering on this little guy even though the concept didn't quite fit the vibe. Just a bit too organic. Thanks @Patrick Carter for the hookup we'll get er done.

Windfall Vapor Fruit - Orange

May 26, 2016

Some fruits make it to market... some fruits don't. Still really happy with the lettering on this little guy even though the concept didn't quite fit the vibe. Just a bit too organic. Thanks @Patrick Carter for the hookup we'll get er done.

Windfall Vapor Fruit - Apple

May 26, 2016

Some fruits make it to market... some fruits don't. Still really happy with the lettering on this little guy even though the concept didn't quite fit the vibe. Just a bit too organic. Thanks @Patrick Carter for the hookup we'll get er done.

Mama's Freshly Vaped Goodness

January 14, 2016

Mama's little pie dish! The third part of the brand package I worked on for @Patrick Carter. Making illustrations in this style is pretty easy. Making a monoline logo to match them... little tougher. But I had a blast learning it and wor...

Mama's Little Oven

January 13, 2016

Nothing beats that Fresh Out of The Oven Smell! Another piece of the brand package I worked on for @Patrick Carter. Pretty Stoked on it.

Mama's Character Illustration

January 12, 2016

Worked on this little Character Icon as a part of a brand suite for @Patrick Carter that will go on some very small packaging. Who's ready for some pie? Two slices please ma'am!

Available for new projects

Get in touch Tron Burgundy