Am I good enough?

It’s not that the question has cropped up. Who’s asking, is what I want to know. And why?

It's an age old, stubborn arsed doubt that has a nasty habit of pecking a creative person's thought process. It's a rude, shrill interruption when you just want to get on and get the work done. The volume can increase when you've got a deadline. Arse.

I mentioned to a couple of friends I was experiencing Imposter Syndrome. To my surprise I got a birthday card, with a P.S. sign off, hoping I'd "get better soon." Oh I don't exactly feel ill. Should I?

Imposter syndrome is more common than you'd think. It affects bright, talented people who are often deciding to go for something ambitious. There's the rub. It's in that stretch point that the imposter questioning raises it's head. If you're sitting somewhere warm and predictable you'll be nowhere near it.

A kind act, is always give yourself space and time to get into the swing of a new job, setting or venture. I've come unstuck a number of times over the years, even though I thrive off being challenged. I've come to recognise it now.

🚦Something that can creep in 🚦 Other people's projections. AKA their insecurities. Be mindful that there's a lot of doubters out there. And their own fears can latch onto someone else's doubt. That's when you know you're not in the most brilliant team. Great leadership, the turns this fear based, projection nonsense on it's head.

You are allowed to ask stupid questions. You can try and test the unconventional. You're in a position to learn. And you've got the freedom and space to share those ideas. You're not a production machine.

Posted on Jan 19, 2020

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