Mentorship Series

This is my first illustrations series ever, for the Mentorship Program by Ladies that UX Amsterdam.

Because Ladies that UX aims to promote female talent, I tried to avoid any stereotyping and wanted the characters to feel more fluid, to feel relatable for anyone.

For the introduction event, I made this illustration showing a mentor and mentee teaming up together.

For the second event, a check-in, I wanted to depict the process as a journey they go through together.

For the final event, where everyone would present their results, I illustrated a mentee, proudly talking about what has been achieved during the mentorship.

The illustrations were used on the event website along with this simple visual I designed of the mentorship timeline, the style matching the illustrations.

This is the first time I've made an illustration with only two colors, but I'm starting to love it because the restriction opened my eyes to other possibilities on how to apply them and how it could work together with shape, details and outlines.

Also, doesn't it make it look super clean? :)

Syara de Roo
Hello! I make icons and illustrations.

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