Colorific Launched

Colorific is a tool that allows you to test for color accessibility for common color perception and various color blind conditions. It's a progressive web app, meaning you can have it saved to run standalone on iOS, Android and with the Chrome browser on MacOS, Windows, and Linux.

Check it out at https://colorific.darrellhanley .com

Colorific is a tool that allows you to test for color accessibility for common color perception and various color blind conditions. It's a progressive web app, meaning you can have it saved to run standalone on iOS, Android and with the Chrome browser on MacOS, Windows, and Linux.

Check it out at https://colorific.darrellhanley .com

Colorific is a tool that allows you to test for color accessibility for common color perception and various color blind conditions. It's a progressive web app, meaning you can have it saved to run standalone on iOS, Android and with the Chrome browser on MacOS, Windows, and Linux.

Check it out at https://colorific.darrellhanley .com

Jae Hanley
Product Designer & Web Developer based in NYC

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