Discogs Concept

Hello designers.

This was a quick experiment to identify how the Discogs app navigation could be simplified and improved, along with an update to the overall visual design of the experience.

Hamburger hell
Throwing all of the nav links into a hamburger, like a giant Ui dustbin, isn't great for usability. Moving key journeys into a bottom app bar adds greater immediacy and convenience to interactions.

Flow. Go.
Starting with a flow diagram (polished version attached), it was possible to iterate and refine the information architecture before fleshing out the UX.

Low-fi to High-fi
With the IA looking good, it was time to pick some key views and build them up from low to high-fidelity designs.

Wrapping up
This was a bit of fun to keep busy with over the holidays, built in Sketch following Atomic design principles.

Thanks for looking!

Posted on Dec 31, 2019
Further Type Foundry
Typefaces designed for machines, by humans.

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