Daily UI - music player
This is a daily UI exercise - creating a music player. To create this, I compared Amazon prime music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music app and decided to go with a mixed version of Spotify and Apple.
I placed the player at the top instead of at the bottom like Spotify did because I thought the most important thing is controlling music. So I placed it at the top.
Since this concept UI is a classical music channel, I put an image that works well with the music as the album cover. For example, Telemann was a German baroque composer so I tried to find something very classical image like sculpture. For Tarrega, I put Spain's scenery as the album and the moonlight image for Beethoven's piano sonata.
For the colors, I wanted to create soft, comfortable accent colors compare to the dark background so I picked the pinkish color.
Although it is my personal exercise and concept design, it was a great experience to learn more about UX/UI. "What if I am a user...?"
Thanks for looking it and would love to get feedback from you guys :)