10x19 Drab Majesty

Modern Mirror by @drabmajesty is #7 on my favorite albums of 2019. Retro Darkwave that’s the beeeeest to work to when you need to drop into the zone. Cascading guitars and reverb. The album is a retelling and modern application of the Greek myth of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection in the waters of a spring, and eventually loved himself to death.
So I used that story as inspiration in this illustration I cooked up. The illustration was made in Illustrator then given the halftone treatment in Photoshop. The font is Carmin by Theo Guillard (you can grab it on www.futurefonts.xyz ). 10x19 is a project where artists re-imagine the artwork for their favorite albums of the year. See all the art at www.10x19.co or through #10x19 .

Brand Identity and Type Design for oohs and aaahs

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