Hi Everyone!
Turing is an agile product design & development company. We're headquartered in Berkeley, CA but have people around the world. We work with startups, nonprofits and mid-sized companies doing branding, design, and agile product development.
This brand sample is from an engagement with Booshaka, one of our favorite clients. Booshaka approached us with a branding and UI design project. We tackled branding first, then moved to UI design. They subsequently received a $1M funding round:
We developed the symbol by distilling the primary activities that users are engaged in on social networks: Liking, Linking & Quoting, and Commenting. Facebook's primary symbol is the "thumbs up" like - we took that basic shape and applied a typographic treatment to it which incorporated all of those concepts ad riffed off that basic shape. This is the result.
We're @turingstudio. Good to be here.
- Turing