Daily UI #090 - Create New

🤔 Thoughts 🤔

90 down, 10 to go.

It’s crazy I am this deep into the challenge, I hadn’t put too much thought towards it until now. Save a couple of thoughts here and there.

For today’s design, I wanted to create another interaction focusing on smooth movement. I had created this strange button in a previous challenge, and I wanted to explore it’s functionality a bit further. After the users taps the “create new” button a grouping of cards would slide out to indicate what types of posts could be created. This component could be used in any situation where there are multiple variants of one parent action.

I have been thoroughly enjoying making these animations, and I wouldn’t have discovered this new passion if it wasn’t for the challenge.

I’m glad I’ve stuck it out, I’ve learned so much.


Press L to ❤️👍


Challenge TLDR: Complete 1 specified UI task every day, for 100 days [ M - F ].

⚡ Check out all the challenge details ⚡
⚡ https://www.dailyui.co/ ⚡️

Kris Shogren
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