Daily UI #072 - Image Slider

Thoughts on Today’s Challenge
For today's task, I am assuming that an image slider is the same as a carousel. Here is my simple yet sweet rendition of the challenge.

Instead of sliding images, this slider would slide overlays or image treatment effects. I could see a component like this being incorporated into any app that includes photos or custom profile images.

More interestingly though, I could see a component like this be used for a slide reveal interaction. The controls would be controlled manually with gestures or mouse movements and an overlay could be slide across the screen. The concept I have in mind would produce a similar effect as Athens street artist insane51 who creates amazing double exposure 3D murals. https://www.instagram.com/insane51/

The photo I used is by Sabel Blanco from Pexels.
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Thanks for checking out my post!

Press “L” to like my shot and to keep me motivated to make it to the end! Feel free to leave any feedback as well, all words are welcome. 😋👍

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The Challenge is to complete one unique User Interface design task every day, for 100 [business] days. You can read more about it here: https://www.dailyui.co/

Kris Shogren
Hello! I'm CMYKris. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
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