Braintree Photoshoot
The Project: The Braintree Marketing Team wanted to add photography to the Braintree website. Our small design team conceptualized, planned, and lead the photo and video shoot that ultimately introduced photography to the Braintree brand and marketing website.
Planning for the shoot required interviewing and pricing out a photo/video team, collaborating directly with this team, approving talent and a location, researching props, conceptualizing the experiences we wanted to portray through the photos and video, storyboarding for the video, creating a shot list, and acting as the stakeholder during production and editing.
These result: Photos that serve well in telling our otherwise complex products and services story, and a video's on our homepage marquee that introduces visitors to Braintree through our merchant experiences.
--- Braintree is a PayPal Service and provides global commerce tools to build businesses, accept payments, and enable commerce for their users. It’s the simplest way to get paid for your great ideas -- across any device, and through almost any payment method.