DeskPro Logo Ideas
First concept on the table for DeskPro who have approached me to deal with a redesign of the website and application logo. DeskPro is similar to GetSatisfaction or Zendesk and wanted a more up-to-date and less clunky feel to the branding. The initial idea is simple, a 'first aid' style cross indicating help, assistance, support etc. Chose the cross for this 1st round of ideas as it fits in nicely with the initials, it is possible to form a more distinct p and d as shown in top example. The letters create a subtle cross shape, but neither the cross initials are too obvious, at least that is the idea. The bottom idea focuses more on the cross, but still has a more subtle link to the initials, but they are not nearly so well defined.
Typography is neat and clean, using Agenda Light for 'desk' and Agenda Medium for 'Pro'. Over to the client...