Gourmet battle 美食大作战

In this era of skinny beauty, the first reaction is to fear getting fat. So in the three characters on the right, it is also tangled. Do you want to go? It seems like a good time to play, especially the lady. The waist that is not good ~ the right side is the food is making ~ the tomato is the leader. A special look. On the above, waiting for you to come. The words of the three people on the right are: should i go?
在这个以瘦为美的时代 一提到美食 第一反应就是怕变胖 所以 在右面的三个人物中也是面露纠结 要不要去呢 好像好好次好好玩的样子 尤其是那个女士 勒了勒自己细的不行的腰~右面则是食物们在造作~以西红柿为首领 一幅特别贱贱的模样 在上面说着 等你来哦 右面的三个人心里的话是:should i go?

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