A Dribbble Challenge

After my recent post on Inspiredology.com regarding Dribbble, I woke up today inspired. Lets make a challenge for the Dribbble community. Doesn't that sound like fun? :P So what's the challenge? Icon design.

My post hit on the continuity of trends and how Dribbble propagates its own trends through the nature of the system/community and does so rather unknowingly. Why not challenge the community to start pushing the future of design by creating a new App Icon design: rather an iOS icon.

The iOS platform is certainly beautiful and with the plethora of wonderful looking icons how can it not be; but what will iOS icons look like 10 years from now? Can we formulate a new style of iOS that is both professional and commercial? See what Windows 7 phones are doing and their lack of icons when compared to iOS. Well design away. I have no prizes to give or money to hand out. This is in pursuit of great design and to see if Dribbble can foster NEW ideas rather than extend current ones.

Challenge: Design an iOS icon that exists 10 years from now. What constraints do you think will be in place? What size, shape, or form will it be in? What current trends will make it 10 years or will you have to invent new ones?

Thanks guys, I hope people jump on this and have fun with it. Simply rebound to participate. Cheers & goodluck!

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