#HereWeNeed - Daily UI #001

Hello world!

I just joined dribbble and also the Daily UI challenge. I'm excited for doing this because I think this is a great way to get some ideas out of my head.
I'm enthusiast of the methods so that's the formula with wich I'll be doing this:
Design style trend for the currently year + Design for the future topic of my interest + Device = DailyUI exercise

Nerd, I know, but I don't care!

Daily UI #001 - Sign Up 
#HereWeNeed app [brutalist style + disaster situations + mobile]

A short story.
I live in Mexico that is located in one of the most active earthquake zones in the planet. In 2017, three of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded hit a third of our country's states. So I started a little group with my closer friends to collect real-time data of the needs in the disaster areas. All the data we collected from the hashtag #AquíNecesitamos (HereWeNeed) on social media, calls, messages and emails where processed and reflected in a public google sheet. Rapidly our network went from five members to houndreds (directly and indirectly) collaborating in real time. That was insane so we decided to ask for help and in a hackaton style we built a system to manage the humanitarian aid and also great people from the CeandoMexico collective (Coding Mexico) supported us with a bot that automatated the alerts on twitter. Eventually all come back to normality and a better version of that project is still waiting to come to light.

So, for this first excersise I imagine "How can we make an app with a quick sign up to start providing help in a disaster situation?"

Hope you like it, comments are welcome!

More by Dzoara Fonseca

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