The birds who can't sing illustration

Sometimes, I get terribly annoyed by the birds who can't sing. They tweet and baw strange sounds, almost non-stop and that’s awfully! I’m getting a headache, I try to close the windows, but it’s summer on the street and it’s getting hot, so I open the windows again, and the birds that cannot sing continue to yell at each other. At such moments, I take a music stand, which is gathering dust on my balcony, put notes with musical scales and begin to conduct. And you know, honey, that helps!! It turns out that there are birds, who are aware of their inferiority and trying to learn singing! Lessons for the bird are truly unusual and memorable minutes! Only there is one small snag, I can’t sing, and I never learned solfeggio or musical scales, and I don’t even know where I got the music stand from!!!

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