SJQ Portfolio website - August 2012

SJQ Portfolio website - August 2012 (In development)

Please see attached my new portfolio website. I wanted to refresh my look (with my new branding completed this week), plus I was getting a little tired of behance prosite layouts, so wanted to try something new.

I wanted to go for a clean and minimal look. I have used mono images as my range of work varies and when shown in colour they just clash, so they needed taming.

I have then sub brands the disciplines of my projects with my new secondary colour palette, purple, aqua, gold and salmon.

I look forward to your thoughts. (Bigger shot attached). I still need to work on content, but slowly getting there.

Its not magic, however I would like to stress my main strength is graphic design, so with the help of CMS, I aim to make my online presence as strong as possible.


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