WorryTree Flutter App

Big or small, young or old: we all have worries. Some worries are fleeting, while others keep us awake at night. Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy theory, WorryTree enables Android smartphone and iPhone users to manage and resolve worries on-the-go. Emkore Limited was commissioned to redesign the user interface and experience and to rebuild the application for Android and iOS.

To improve the performance of the app and to cut down on development time, we chose Flutter to build the app. This meant that we had to work with a single cross-platform UI/UX design, rather than an operating system specific design. To create a single experience that felt both natural for Android and iOS users, we turned to Google's Material Design principles. The result: a light and fresh design that augments WorryTree's core objective to alleviate stress and worry for its users.

Project: https://www.behance.net/gallery/79467581/WorryTree

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