Daily UI 001 - Sign up for an email newsletter

The prompt for Daily UI challenge #001 was a sign up page, modal, form, or app - for anything I could think of.

And since I'm always thinking of delicious pastries, I borrowed a photo from one of my favorite food stylists/recipe developers/food writers on Instagram, Erin Jeanne McDowell (@emcdowell).

This is one of those cases where the photo itself is so beautiful, the UI just has to do its job and get out of the way. I also love this warm color palette sampled from the photo itself; Erin's writing is always so warm and heartfelt, and she explains pie-making tips in such a friendly, accessible way that it felt quite apropos.

The part about teaching *why* we do certain things in baking, not just *how*, is her actual book philosophy. (Also, it's way easier to design with real-ish content than to make up an entire backstory from scratch, ha. And I can't design anything without reasons, however made up.)

Anyway, time to go stare at some more delicious pies...

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