
Guess what country has the most vending machines in the world?

If your 1st thought was The U.S you are totally right*. There should be no surprise if I tell you the project for the automated food service company, I was recently working on, was founded in NYC.

Thomas and Cameron, guys from Rocketmart, decided to change the way businesses approach vending machines purchase by providing automated, cloud-based and personalized food service systems (yup, entering the 21st-century:) ).

Anyways, what was my role in it? I know it may be shocking to many of you when you find out I was the guy whose jobs was to design a functional, visually attractive and converting website. Did I manage? I hope I did. If you think "yes" press heart and melt mine. If you have some suggestions - drop me a line in comments, constructive feedback's always welcomed!

Ps. * Although, if you also thought Japan, you were close - it has the greatest density of vending machines. I don't know the exact number but if you find it, let me know!:)

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