Dribbble Invitation! Polka dots dribbblers)
Hey everyone! I’ve got 1 invititation) for that special person, the one!)
What should you do to get it:
1. Send me your portfolio link or couple best works on [email protected]
with subject: Dribbble invititation
2. Don't forget to attach your Dribbble link to email
Winners will be announced already in five days, 21 May )
Good Luck!
Also check out my other socials for more:
| Behance | Instagram |
Thank you all! Meet a new player https://dribbble.com/inquieto
I had a lot of mails from talented people but unfortunately I had only one invites, it’s a pity. When the new invites was dropped I’ll post a new shot as soon as possible! Keep trying to catch your invite!
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