Good UX vs Bad UX

-Use Red Warning Signals in a Confirmation
If you use red buttons for your normal call to actions, avoid this otherwise you’ll confuse users. Reserve red buttons for destructive actions only. Cool colored buttons are better suited for normal call to actions because they’re less alarming.

-Center Align the Layout
The concise text makes the dialog easier to scan. But you can go further than that and make the entire confirmation screen easier to scan by center aligning the layout. A center aligned layout places the icon in line with the dialog text so that users can scan them together. It also makes the screen symmetrical and the icon more prominent to prevent them from glossing over it.

A center aligned layout also allows users to scan the screen in a single visual direction (top to bottom). They don’t need to move their eyes across the screen and only need to focus on the center of the screen. With a left aligned layout, users need to scan the screen in two visual directions (left to right & right to left). Their eyes have to do more work, which slows down their task.

More by Arman Shaikh

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