Boston FABAS Workshop and Talk!

The Freelance, and Business, and Stuff #FABAS workshop is coming to the land of "lost R sounds" and "ahhhed" Os! Yes, Boston. The magical city where Sam served Frasier a beer. Where Paul Pierce miraculously walked out of his wheelchair and won game 1 of the 2008 NBA finals. The city that gave us our favorite bromance: Ben Afflek and Matt Damon. We're so excited to visit. We'll be doing our FABAS workshop on Saturday May 4. The night before, we'll be doing a talk and pop-up shop with AIGA Boston.

Talk Tix:
Workshop Tix:

For anyone not familiar with our Freelance and Business and Stuff workshop, it's 4 hours of business planning, budgeting, pricing exercises, plus tips and resources on project management, presenting pricing and proofs, avoiding communication breakdown with clients, and so much more. 🤑
Past attendees feels about the workshop: "I learned even more than I expected! I finally got answers to so many questions I’ve been asking for years of doing freelance work.” – Anonymous, OKC Workshop
“You provided SO many resources, were so open, and gave far more value than I had ever anticipated.” – Jenna Calando, SF Workshop
Go to link in bio for tickets to FABAS workshop Boston!

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