✅Quick Product Fixes on Twitter: Loom

Hi everyone,

Few days ago I stumbled upon a tweet from a friend of mine in which he was giving feedback about a product he was using.

Reading further i've noticed that an important figure from the company has left a reply and asked if there were any suggestions on how to improve the product, given the fact that my friend is a product designer.

There's a lot you can say with words, but in product design there's no better way of showing it than jumping on Principle and quickly hacking a solution to the problem.

I did just that and this is the result.

Took me 1.5 hours as i didn't recreate everything that you see here, i've just used screenshots of the product itself and played around with masks in Principle and created the button asset using Figma.

After receiving a positive feedback from Shahed, it struck me that this can really be an interesting and fast way for companies to get quick product solutions based on customer feedback, directly on Twitter.

I'm thinking of going deeper into this journey and use a fraction of my spare time to create value wherever I can.

If you hear of anyy constructive product feedback, I encourage you to DM me on Twitter

Also check out the full tweet thread here.

And looking forward to hear what you think of this solution.


More by Andrei Ponivesc

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