Women’s Day 1.2

There is the second part devoted to International Women’s Day.

The following women are glowing examples, thanks to each of them, women and girls all over the world are able to live with fewer restraints and bigger dreams. Those women changed the course of Human History. They have pushed society to think bigger, move forward and create.

Rosa Parks, an American activist in the civil rights movement.
In 1955, Rosa Parks, an African American living in Montgomery, Alabama, challenged the race segregation that existed in parts of the US by refusing to give up her seat on a bus so that a white person could sit down. Her protest was supported by many other African Americans and sparked the civil rights movement which, in the 1960s, eventually won equal rights. Four years after her death in 2005, Barack Obama became the first African-American US president.

Hedy Lamarr - “The most beautiful woman in the world”.
But there was more to Lamarr than met the eye. An avid inventor, she worked on everything from a tablet that, when dropped into water, fizzed into instant cola, to frequency hopping — a World War II-era secure communications technology that's used today in wireless internet, GPS and cellphones.

Let's celebrate the fabulous achievements of women and forge a more gender-balanced world.
Happy International Women’s Day!

Designer: Vita Sporevaya

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