We the Surveilled People, Landing Page

After a night of reading Glenn Greenwald's "No Place to Hide" and a Youtube binge on cybersecurity, we arrive here — Daily UI 003: Landing Page!

A discussion on cybersecurity & ethics — two concepts that seem to mix as well as vinegar and oil — is desperately needed to the US and the global community. "We the Surveilled People" is my pixelated, data-infused concept translated as a landing page.

Things I've learned:

1. I originally believed "above the fold" was an antiquated term thrown around in a post-newspaper / post-desktop world. After this exercise, I have learned...that it still is....

2. Putting primary CTAs in a sticky header is tricky since I have (yet) to verify if this works across a great majority of mobile browsers. For now, I'd say have a placement statically on your landing page just in case...

3. Content in the hero section should be brief, informative-enough, and pique user interest. I have my title, byline, and a link to "About" instantly on page load (and with the primary "Get Tickets" CTA, of course).

4. Pixel art is fun and simple — most use a Photoshop filter or plugin to generate this style, whereas I just messed around with image scalability and contrast.

Also, I would be stoked to go to something like this, but until then ~ dare to dream ~

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