Computer vision for recipe suggestions running on iOS πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


An augmented reality app that leverages iOS Core ML for running inference and bundling a pre-trained TensorFlow model into a lite version that is capable of operating efficiently on an iPhone device in real-time β€” without the need to query a server for food recognition predictions 🀯

Once inferences / predictions have been made by the model, the app sends an array like [eggs, avocado, cheese] to the backend which then does a table query for recipes with those keywords (just like any normal search / lookup would), the recipes returned are then displayed in the cards popping up down the bottom of the screen for the user to open and read πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ

Apple's ARKit is used for pinning an XYZ depth coordinate to the regions where food items have been detected, and does a pretty good job with tracking after some adjustments.

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