Groost – agency website

We recently finished website for young agency in Prague – Groost.

It was funny project, because on the beginning we started with brand workshop to deeply understand the spirit of the company a set basic values and missions. This workshop helps us to develop conception. Groost is mainly focusing on performance and content marketing, but they are also Marketo business partners in Czech Republic and they wanted to show that they are also focused on Marketing automation. Somehow we stared working with idea, that they can be super automated japan agency. And somehow they liked it.

So the whole website have one main animation. The big sun of Japan that travel from dark ages of marketing to the bright – full of light future where Marketing automation is helping you to deliver unthinkable results. The Sun is symboling the agency.

But this strong one animation conception is on one hand very simple, but on the other hand very powerfull :)

David Dvořáček
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