Rio Academy Rebrand
This past year I've been working on this rebrand for a local Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym that I've gone to since January 2018. After one class I was hooked with how it's a game of physical chess and how you can't think of anything but Jiu-Jitsu when you're trying to not get choked by your rolling partner.
I offered to work on the logo for Pedro when I heard he was buying a new building and moving into a new space. It was the perfect time to update the brand but keep the vibe of Rio de Janeiro and Jiu-Jitsu.
A Little Rio + Jiu-Jitsu I wanted to bring in the colors from the current logo with some tweaks to further the beach vibe of Rio where Pedro is from. The mark starts with the light blue water drop of how it feels to wade into the waters of Jiu-Jitsu and as you train over the years you find yourself in deeper waters.