2 Dribbble Invites

Heya πŸ‘‹, I've got 2 Dribbble invites!

Had a little fun with this "survey", which hopefully, will at least make you smile, too 😁.

All jokes aside, I noticed that most of our dribbble invites, even the ones with tons of exposure, still don't get a lot of attention from prospects. This makes me believe that they might be shy/don't have any crazy good looking work to share/none at all (?), they don't really know how to search for them (as I've seen dozens of people asking for invites on facebook groups), or..maybe our design approach on the matter confuses them(?).

I'm interested in getting to the bottom of this, so, if you're a prospect, please join the conversation πŸ’– and tell me how did you end up here.

If you're only here for the invite either leave whatever comment you want, and I'll check your profile out, or send me an email at [email protected]

Crista Stanescu
🐳 I'll be darn, It's you! And me. Look at us interneting πŸ‘€
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