Logotype Collection - 10 years
Hello there, the second look-back collection on Behance, this time, filled with logotypes created during these 10 years journey.
Looking back, I remember that learning about typography, and having the guts to take the pencil and just practice was a big game changer for me as a logo designer. I wasn't limited anymore on just creating logomarks and putting a simple type next to it. The needs of the brands I was working with were growing in terms of visual expression so my skills had to evolve also. A thing that I always tried to to is to do what is right for the brand, and not what I was accustomed to as a design style.
I will finish this log post telling you that the love for the process is crucial in anything that you do. So do follow your heart and do what you love. I believe that in the end it will be worth it.
Take care!