Portfolio Article View - Work in Progress

I'm liking where this is headed typographically. I'll add a full-sized attachment when I feel comfortable with the overall direction. The grid is four columns at 220px per column and 40px per gutter -- this equals 1000px across the board. Also, the shot is not at 100% scale.

I did derive some inspiration from Joni Korpi's site as far as some of the arrangement, but the end result will be quite different from his work – it's funny because some of my earlier comps reflected a direction similar to this one. Certain minds think alike.

For those interested, the typefaces in use are PT Sans (for the h1 / article title), PT Sans Caption (for the h4s / "Posted On", etc.) & Tisa (for the body copy).

Posted on May 8, 2012

More by Dalton Woods

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