Flowkit 2.0

A year ago I made and released Flowkit. Now, I've reworked everything based on my own usage and some informal feedback over the months.

This shot is a sped up version of creating a high-level flow with Flowkit, in Figma.

My number one goal with this whole project was to remove the pain of drawing lines and boxes from scratch for every project. Something I did way too many times. It's been over a year and I'm still using it on every project.

Even the Dribbble team is using it. 🥰

Some of the new things...

• Redesigned Sketch version
• Natively designed Figma version 🎉
• New 360x360 grid that makes high-level flows perfect out of the box (that's whats showing in the shot)
• Updated master component design and structure
• Lots of new variants
• Lots of new interactions—taps, swipes, double taps, long press
• Dark mode 😎

I wrote all about the new features and more in a big Medium post.

You can see a larger, slower version of the video shot here.

You can get Flowkit 2.0 for yourself, here.

What do you use for your userflows?

Teaching interface design at Shift Nudge

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