Badge Collection | Mountain

Badge Collection | Mountain

As far back as I can remember, I have always loved nature. As a kid growing up, my parents would take our family on camping trips to show us how much fun you can have without our everyday items.

My goal for this project was to capture a simplistic take on some of the things I find interesting while camping and in nature.

I visited Utah back in June and it was a life-changing experience for me. My girlfriend and I went to Antelope Island, Moab and Arches National Park. From Pittsburgh, I'm used to the same old forests and humid weather, but Utah... damn. That place is absolutely breathtaking and there is hardly any humidity. I'll tell you, I would not be upset to sit in traffic over there because you have such great scenery all around. The mountains are massive and some are snow-peaked. It's called the land of the contrast for a reason because one half of the state is desert and the other is nice and green. I can't wait to go back and visit again someday.

More by Spencer Worthing

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