Four years of Fore Design

As Fore Design approaches its fourth anniversary, we’ve decided to close down the consultancy.

We’re very proud of the work we’ve done and are grateful for the opportunities we’ve had to work with some wonderful clients.

It’s been a long-standing ambition of ours however, to launch a design-led product in which strategy, branding, experience, and technology come together to create something truly great. So when one of our clients asked us both to come on board to lead design and experience for his latest venture, we were thrilled. We’ve been incredibly excited to be able to focus on the areas we’re most interested: Dan in experience and engineering, Amy in information design and branding.

We feel like leading design and experience in-house for a product is the best way to develop the design culture a business needs in order to build something truly great. Because design is really about interrogating the problem and we’ve never truly had the opportunity to apply everything we’ve learned about that to one, longer-term project.

Thanks to everyone who's supported us, followed along, and provided us with inspiration and encouragement over the years. We couldn’t be more excited for this next chapter of our careers and we hope you’ll continue to follow along on our journey.

@Amy Parker and @Dan Perrera

Posted on Sep 12, 2018

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