iChatAV (circa 2003)

When I first started working designing chat features for Apple's first iChat product, AIM had been around for a few years at that point, but it was still relatively new and not yet widely adopted. The idea of being able to communicate with people in real-time, regardless of where they were located, was not optimal.

As a designer, I was tasked with incorporating the functionality of AIM into iChat and making it a seamless part of the experience. This meant working closely with the development team to ensure that all of the necessary features were included and that they worked properly. It also meant designing a visually appealing and intuitive interface that would make it easy for users to navigate.

Borrowing from other metal-based app interfaces. This was a new concept at the time, and there weren't many examples to draw from. I had to think creatively and come up with a design that would be both visually appealing and functional. I also had to consider how the interface would work with different devices and screen sizes, as iChat was designed to be used across multiple platforms.

Ultimately, I was able to create a chat app that was both functional and visually appealing. The interface was intuitive and easy to use, and the metal-based design gave it a modern and sleek look. It was a huge success and became an integral part of the Apple ecosystem. Today, it is known as the Messages app in MacOS and is still widely used by billions of people around the world.

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