Don-tei 和牛壽喜燒餐廳 | Web Design

After several meetings, I propose a brand-new photography plan for the high-end restaurant - Closeup shot of food and platter combination with different angles - make the food materials look mouth-watering. Use black and gold colors to mainly present the high level Wagyū dining restaurant of quailty.   Visit the Don-tei Official Website

Visit the Don-tei Official Website

主視覺設計經過攝影計畫與討論,將特寫食物、擺盤進行組合拍攝,有近景有遠景,將高檔食材的鮮美生動地展現出來,令人看起來垂涎欲滴,並運用黑色與金色,呈現高級餐廳質感。(餐廳簡介:Don-tei 誕生於 1990 年日本群馬縣前橋市,是日本和牛吃到飽、壽喜燒和火鍋的人氣餐廳,現有 50 多間分店且持續展店中,2015 年 10 月在台北開設台灣一號店,Don-tei 嚴選豪氣頂級肉品,新鮮時令食材!

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