Addrest App Onboarding

Addrest iOS App - the easier way to keep your U.S. living address up to date. My visualization how the government could make the lives of thousands of people a bit easier.

Ladies & gentlemen lemme introduce the concept that would reliefs a headache about notifying services about your changes in personal living address.

As long as you know, in the United States, a billing/living address is the thing you'd better keep actual all time. Especially if you're an expat, as I'm. Once I moved to America, I've understood I must get the government constantly notified about where do I live. Any of non-citizens have to go to USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) website and change their address manually if they're about to move to a new place.

But it would not be so frightening if one thing. Imagine you're about to either order water delivery or connect internet or get a new insurance, whatever. Everywhere you need to share your living address with the companies. And all time you have to manually re-update it if you're going to a new house. Imagine how many services an average person has?

Based on my research an average person has up to 30 services constantly using its address to send/request any correspondence or bills. So next moment you changing you living place you have to go to all your personal profiles on companies' websites and manually retype in your address. Sounds crappy and not innovatively.

So the question I've been asking myself: How can I swap one address to another as easier as order the pizza. And this concept is our attempts to solve this inconvenience.

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I'll continue to publish shots about this crazy idea and explaining why it's so hard to produce and why it would be a game changer if the U.S. government makes it happen.

Made together with Mila Shovkoplias >

Posted on Jun 6, 2018

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