JanLosert.com Redesigned & Live!

Aaaaand it's live!

My redesigned and fully recreated portfolio is up and running - https://janlosert.com

Earlier this year I decided to take control over code of my portfolio, store and all of my product landing pages. Since I don't know how to code I was always forced to use help of my front-end friends but I really needed to change that. And then I found Webflow. Within a month I learned all the basics and this is the result. In a month I designed and coded up all of this which still seems mind-blowing to me.

There is obviously still a lot of work to do, such as all the case studies but the main parts such as portfolio index and new store are finally live!

Check the portfolio live here: https://janlosert.com

Jan Losert
Webflow Expert + Website/Product Designer
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